Picture of me in front of water.
Hey there!
My name's Liam, and welcome to my website!
Downward facing arrow.
About Me
Welcome to the site! I’m Liam Crocket, and I’m currently working full time as a Software Developer at Auvik Networks. I’m passionate about both web and backend development, with experience ranging from languages such as Typescipt and Go, to systems such as Docker and Kubernetes. On this site you can see how I’ve put this passion into my projects by visiting and checking them out below! I currently have over 3 years of professional experience, with responsibilities including systems development, full-stack web development, and machine learning engineering. I’m in the process of searching for a full-time position, so if you’re interested feel free to reach out using any of the links listed in the contact section below!
My Skills
Skill icon
5 yrs.
Work Experience
My Work Experience
Contributed significantly to a diverse array of backend services written in both Golang and Java, facilitating seamless data streaming to strategic partners and ensuring robust and reliable data delivery.
Engineered frontend solutions with React and GraphQL, delivering a superior user experience to a vast user base of over 100,000 customers, effectively enhancing performance, responsiveness, and overall user satisfaction.
Led cross-functional team testing sessions, driving collaboration and efficiency, while spearheading the development and implementation of an automated end-to-end testing service to enhance product quality and streamline testing processes.
Developed a proof-of-concept QR payment solution designed to be used by millions of users on a daily basis
Leveraged my critical-thinking skills to effectively suggest new ideas and solutions during team design-thinking sessions
Presented various applications to dozens of stakeholders and company personnel on a regular basis in order to gauge interest and gather valuable feedback
Utilized my skills in Ruby on Rails to assist in developing the backend of the company's site, and leveraged my experience with test-driven development to ensure stable code quality
Implemented frontend features on a site viewed by over 100,000 users by applying my React and JavaScript skills
Developed microservice endpoints using a Python backend for an international grade conversion service
Utilized object-oriented programming in Swift, as well as machine learning concepts, to develop an iOS application to determine when a worker is fatigued on the job
Assisted in developing the Lab’s website using React, as well as a project portfolio used by upper-level executives
Leveraged time-management and organizational skills to accelerate productivity on core research projects within a small team
Performed technical analysis and formulated design and logic for programs
Assisted in planning and executing unit tests to verify that functionality and data integrity is maintained
Provided status reports and escalated issues when necessary to lead resource
Curated a preliminary digital website tracking universe consisting of over 1,000 websites
Analyzed over 1,500 advertisement records in a database to check for miscut advertisements and ensure data integrity
Cross-referenced advertising information to distinguish nationally run advertisements from locally run advertisements during a dispute between television broadcasting companies Univision and UniMas
My Projects
On The Record
Summer 2023 - Winter 2024
Next.js Icon
Go Icon
SQL Icon
On The Record is a social network with a focus on sharing music opinions with friends. This web app uses Next14 to deliver the UI, along with a Go backend and PostgreSQL database to deliver a seamless experience with a modern look and feel. Make a post to share with friends, or follow your friends to see what they've been listening to. Click on the "Live Demo" button below to check it out!
Learn MoreLive DemoVisit Frontend RepoVisit Backend Repo
On The Record
Train Track
Train Track
Summer 2020 - Summer 2021
React.js Icon
MongoDB Icon
Train track is a social-networking platform with a focus on sharing workouts. The website uses React with Next.js on the frontend, utilizing server-side rendering to yield faster load-times and better SEO. The backend uses Mongo DB to keep track of all workouts, exercises, and users, along with an express.js API to connect it to the frontend. The site allows users to keep track of their workouts, and follow their friends to stay updated on their workouts. If you're impressed with a friend's workout, you can like and comment on it to show your support. Click the "live demo" button below to check it out!
Learn MoreLive DemoVisit Frontend RepoVisit Backend Repo
Crocket's Classic Cards
Spring 2020
React Native Icon
React Native
Firebase Icon
Crocket's Classic Cards is an app that lets you play classic card games with friends without the need for a physical deck of cards. Currently, the app includes Go Fish, Crazy Eights, and President. The app uses the Firebase Android SDK to manage up to 10,000 games at once and provides each one with real-time updates so users can see the most up-to-date state of their game at all times. The app is live on the Google Play store, so click the "Live Demo" button below to download the app and play cards with your friends!
Learn MoreLive DemoVisit Repo
Crocket's Classic Cards
Get in Touch!
Shoot me an email!
Check out my GitHub!
Liam Crocket